
Packaging Image


In this image, the packaging finally reveals its colorful insides. We don’t yet understand what that is. The focus is divided between highly saturated internal lining and MARS. I’ve added a softbox with a very gentle gradient to “place” the letters into the curvature of the sphere. The fill light on the left acts as a gradient reflection to “finish” the sphere. As with the previous shots, a mostly-diffuse light is used to bring up the underlying surface with a broader stroke.

Note: All lights have softbox gradients that are designed to either simulate a physical softbox or to help the light blend better into the curvature of the object making it look less harsh. In most images I have excluded DOF effects or lens imperfections. This helps better understand lighting and materials without creating extra photo-realism through means of obstruction. DOF is only used where necessary — where the surface is unimportant but the depth cue is required. Every scene has an a L shaped white surface that is lit with it’s own light to control how much of a bounce light / reflection is given back to the headphones.
