
Headphones Image 05


This is the only closeup render of the headphones I have. It required a bit more lights as the attention is focused on smaller parts. There are two separate lights that provide gradient reflections to the black plastic cover and the metal hinge. As with other images, this is primarily front-lit to help define shapes of all surfaces by revealing their facing ratio towards the viewer. Another light adds broad highlight to the left part of the headband to show its gentle curvature. The last light — a key light — helps define rear surfaces and blend cushions with the background.

Note: All lights have softbox gradients that are designed to either simulate a physical softbox or to help the light blend better into the curvature of the object making it look less harsh. In most images I have excluded DOF effects or lens imperfections. This helps better understand lighting and materials without creating extra photo-realism through means of obstruction. DOF is only used where necessary — where the surface is unimportant but the depth cue is required. Every scene has an a L shaped white surface that is lit with it’s own light to control how much of a bounce light / reflection is given back to the headphones.
